- Aberrant — Deviating from the norm; atypical or abnormal.
- Alacrity — Eager and enthusiastic willingness; brisk and cheerful readiness.
- Approbation — An expression of approval or praise.
- Arduous — Requiring significant effort; difficult and strenuous.
- Austere — Strict or severe in manner, attitude, or appearance; unadorned or simple.
- Axiomatic — Self-evident or unquestionable; taken as a given.
- Capricious — Prone to sudden and unpredictable changes in mood or behavior.
- Censure — Strong disapproval or criticism, often in an official capacity.
- Chicanery — Deception by means of craft or guile; trickery.
- Connoisseur — An expert or judge in matters of taste (e.g., art, wine, food).
- Convoluted — Extremely complex and difficult to follow; intricate.
- Disabuse — To free someone from a misconception or false belief.
- Discordant — Disagreeing or harsh in sound; lacking harmony.
- Disparate — Fundamentally distinct or dissimilar; essentially different.
- Effrontery — Extreme boldness; presumptuousness.
- Eloquent — Well-spoken, expressive, articulate.
- Enervate — To weaken or drain energy; to sap strength.
- Ennui — A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of excitement or boredom.
- Equivocate — To use ambiguous language to conceal the truth or avoid commitment.
- Exculpate — To exonerate; to clear from blame.
- Exigent — Urgent, pressing; requiring immediate action or attention.
- Extemporaneous — Improvised; done without preparation.
- Filibuster — Prolonged speech or action to delay or obstruct legislation.
- Fulminate — To loudly attack or denounce.
- Ingenuous — Artless, frank, and sincere; lacking in sophistication.
- Inured — Accustomed to accepting something undesirable.
- Irascible — Easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts.
- Magnanimity — Generosity; the quality of being noble and forgiving.
- Nebulous — Vague, cloudy, or ill-defined.
- Neologism — A new word, expression, or usage.
- Obtuse — Lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression.
- Obviate — To anticipate and prevent; to make unnecessary.
- Onerous — Burdensome; involving heavy obligations or effort.
- Paean — A song or expression of praise and thanksgiving.
- Perfidy — Intentional breach of faith; treachery.
- Perfunctory — Done without care or interest; superficial.
- Perspicacious — Having keen insight and understanding.
- Prattle — To babble meaninglessly; to talk in an empty or idle manner.
- Predilection — A natural preference for something.
- Prescience — Foreknowledge of events; foresight.
- Prevaricate — To deliberately avoid the truth; to mislead.
- Qualms — Misgivings; reservations; doubts about something.
- Recant — To retract a statement or belief.
- Refute — To disprove; to successfully argue against.
- Relegate — To forcibly assign to a lower position or place.
- Reticent — Quiet; reserved; reluctant to express thoughts and feelings.
- Solicitous — Concerned and attentive; eager.
- Sordid — Dirty; foul; morally distasteful.
- Sporadic — Occurring only occasionally or in scattered instances.
- Squander — To waste by spending or using irresponsibly.
- Stupefy — To stun, baffle, or amaze.
- Stymie — To block; to thwart or hinder progress.
- Tortuous — Winding, twisting; excessively complicated.
- Truculent — Fierce and cruel; eager to fight.
- Veracity — Truthfulness; honesty.
- Virulent — Extremely harmful or poisonous; bitterly hostile.
- Voracious — Having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; ravenous.
- Waver — To move to and fro; to be unsettled in opinion.